1Thess 5:23 Now may the God of peace himself make you completely holy and may your Spirit and Soul and Body be kept entirely blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Health matters and means a lot to our daily work and our relationship with God and humanity.
God is also so concerned about it as we can see from the Scriptures Above it was a prayer over it.
Let's start with our Mind.
The brain is vital for physical and mental health, connecting to all body systems. Its brain plays an essential role.
It is connected to all other organs, structures, and systems of our bodies, keeping us breathing, regulating heart rate, and coordinating the functions of our digestive and immune systems
As we get old, age increases the
risk of reasoning decline due to chronic stress, poor sleep, and brain problems sign buildup. Thus, maintaining mental health alongside diet and exercise is crucial.
Meditation is a useful tool for s
ustaining intellectual health.
Next Time we will look at meditation of which is a great relief to the mind,
we will still see the benefits of Good meditation.
God Bless you ----- Rev Simon M/
So Educative